Welcome to my webpage!

My name is Ahmed Eladly. I am a neuroengineer with expertise in neural stimulation, small animal surgeries, and advanced statistical analysis of neural data. I did my PhD in information and communication technologies under the tutelage of Prof. Antoni Ivorra in the Biomedical Electronics Research Group (https://berg.upf.edu) at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. Prior to this I obtained my Masters in bioengineering degree from the University College Dublin. I was trained at the Surface Engineering Lab led by Prof. Denis Dowling.

I am a research scientist at the Vestibular Neuroscience Lab headed by Prof. Larry Hoffman at UCLA, where I am researching sensory information processing in the vestibular system using animal and computational modeling. Before this, I held a postdoc position at the University of Manchester where I used computational analysis methods and animal models to validate a closed-loop deep brain stimulatior for neuromodulation applications in collaboration with a Spanish BCI start-up called INBRAIN Neuroelectronics (https://inbrain-neuroelectronics.com).

My research interests include:

1- Sensorimotor processing
2- Computational and biological learning
3- Brain computer interfaces
4- Advanced probabilistic machine learning methods for neural data analysis and modeling.
5- NeuroAI

### Skills

1- Neurostimulation and recording in awake and anesthetized animals
2- Behavioral animal testing
3- Deep learning frameworks (CNN,RNN,VAE,GANs,RL,SNN) for modeling and decoding of
neural signals (Tensorflow-Keras, Pytorch)
4- Probabilistic machine learning for LVMs (JAX, Pyro, pymc, scikit-learn) .
5- Computational and biological Inferencing (Monte Carlo Marchov Chains, variational, normalized flow, SGD).

### Research Highlights

- **Interleaved intramuscular stimulation with minimally overlapping electrodes evokes smooth and fatigue resistant forces.** [2020 J. Neural Eng Aug 25;17(4):046037.]( https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/aba99e)
A. Eladly, J. Del Valle, J. Minguillon, B. Mercadal, L. Becerra-Fajardo, X. Navarro, A. Ivorra

- **Charge and topography patterned lithium niobate provides physical cues to fluidically isolated cortical axons**
[ Applied Physics Letters, vol. 110, no. 5, p. 053702, 2017 ](https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4975304)
D. Kilinc, A. Blasiak, M. Baghban, N. Carville, A. Al-Adli, R. Al-Shammari, J. Rice, G. Lee, K. Gallo and B. Rodriguez

### Under preparation

- **Novel mechanically-flexible, graphene-based, 8-channel, microelectrodes for simultaneous recording and electrical stimulation of deep brain microstructures**
A. Eladly, N. Ria, E. Masvidal-Codina, X. Illa, A. GuimerĂ -Brunet, J.A Garrido , K. Kostarelos , R.C. Wykes,

- **Mapping the continuum of Spreading Depolarisation induced haemodynamic responses in the post-stroke brain using graphene micro-transistor arrays and blood flow imaging**
S. M. Flaherty, A. Eladly, K. Hills, J. Merlini, E. Masvidal-Codina, E. Fernandes, X. Illa, E. Prats-Alfonso, J. Meents, C. Jeschke, K. Kostarelos, S. M. Allan, J. A. Garrido, A. GuimerĂ -Brunet, R.C. Wykes